In this blog post, I will describe how to use the snapshots functionality of Elastic Search to create backups or migrate data to another cluster. This tutorial is prepared and tested using Elastic Search version 7.x. If you are using another version of Elastic Search then there is possibility that some functionality described here will not work.

What is Elastic Search snapshot

Snapshot is a way to save the current state of the cluster. The state of the cluster contains data in indices and all structured needed for fast search through them (there is an exception from this rule - more about it in next sections). If you have a snapshot you can restore your cluster to the previous state. Snapshot and restore operations can be done online mode. There is no need for shooting down your cluster or any of its nodes. Snapshots are incremental so if you have a previous snapshot and you are creating another one then the only difference will be saved. This technique greatly reduces snapshots disc usage.

To save snapshots you need to register the repository in Elastic Search. A repository can be treated as a container for snapshots storage. There as several types of build in repositories available in Elastic Search:

  • fs - file-based repository. Snapshots are stored in a specified directory in the filesystem. This is the most common repository type. Snapshot data can be backed up to another location by simply copying files. You need to be careful here because copying data during snapshot creating can cause problems during the restore process due to inconsistencies. We will be using this repository type in this tutorial.
  • url - this is a read-only snapshot repository that can be used to move data to remove cluster without risk of two clusters using snapshot repository is same time
  • source - special repository type that you can wrap on top of fs repository to produce smaller snapshots. Those snapshots will lack essential data needed for search so after restore there will be no possibility for searching through indices unless you will force reindex them via API call.

Other repository types are also available via plugins but we are not going to talk about them here.


I will assume that you are using the Elastic Search cluster provisioned using docker containers. To use fs repository snapshots, we need to set path.repo variable to the directory where we will be storing our snapshots. For multi-node cluster this directory needs to be visible on all nodes. You can use a network files system such as NFS to fulfill this requirement. For docker containers setup using docker-compose you can configure this variable via environment like so:


version: '2.0'
    container_name: elasticsearch
    # Add this line to environment
    - path.repo: /mount/backups
      # add this line to volumes - snapshots will be available
      # in /data/elasticsearch/snapshots directory on docker host
      - /data/elasticsearch/snapshots/:/mount/data

To apply those settings you need to recreate Elastic Search docker containers by running:

docker-compose up -d

It is safe to perform a rolling restart of the cluster after you setup path.repo variable. The path.repo setting is needed for Elastic Search to allow folders to be selected as snapshot repository paths via API call. Without this setting, you can not set the given path as the fs repository as it will be rejected.

Now we are good to create our fs repository using Elastic Search API call. Run this command in terminal:

curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_snapshot/fs?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "type": "fs",
  "settings": {
    "location": "/mount/backups/fs",
    "compress": true

where fs in URL is the repository name. If you want to compress data in your repository set compress: true just like in this example. All snapshots from this repo will be available in /mount/backups/fs/ directory in the docker container or /data/elasticsearch/snapshots/fs directory on the Docker host.

There should be no errors in a response message and that means your repository is set up correctly. You need to run this command on only one node if you are using the multi-node cluster.

To check if your cluster is set up properly run the following command:

curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cat/repositories?v
id        type
fs          fs

Creating the first snapshot

To create the first snapshot of the cluster run the following command.

curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_snapshot/fs/first_snapshot?wait_for_completion=true"

In this command fs is repository name and first_snapshot is snapshot name. specify the wait_for_completion=true parameter then this command will block until your snapshot is done. This is important if you are going to copy your snapshot to another location after backup is done. If you are running this command without the wait_for_completion option then you can monitor snapshot progress using this command:

curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_snapshot/fs/_current?pretty"

After the backup is done you can display all snapshots using the following command

curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cat/snapshots/fs?v

where fs is the repository name.

Then you are free to copy snapshot data to another location for example to s3 bucked for long-term backup.

Restoring data

Restoring a snapshot assuming that you know the name of the repository and the name of snapshot (you can get this data from /_cat/repositories/ and /_cat/snapshots/ API calls). You can start to restore of snapshot via this command:

curl -X POST "localhost:9200/_snapshot/fs/first_snapshot/_restore"

where fs is repository name and first_snapshot is snapshot name. Snapshot restore command does not have the wait_for_completion option. Snapshot restore is handled via Elastic Recovery process and can be monitored using this command:

curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cat/recovery?v

This command should give you an overview of restore progress from all indices indicated by percent of completion.

You can restore data from another cluster simply by copying snapshot files from the fs snapshot directory on one cluster to another. This is safe if there is not currently running snapshot operation. Remember to copy all data from one cluster and before sending it into destination one remove old snapshot data on the destination cluster. You can’t mix snapshots created on one cluster with snapshots created on another in the same directory. After files are copied you can start the restore process simply via /_snapshot/{repo}/{snapshot}/_restore API call.
